Friday, April 08, 2022

Musings On The Go


When In Doubt

During bouts of sleeplessness or idle times, one scans through social media groups to pass the time.

And invariably one inherits  the feelings of helplessness and depression.

For what we read are mostly a litany of the things that are observed as being wrong, both in our city and in the whole country. 

Do we need to be constantly and incessantly reminded?

Do we really need to know all the wrinkles we can observe in and around our surroundings?

Isn’t it sufficient especially after all these times to keep those in mind and accept them as there. 

But then start unobtrusively doing whatever little things we may be able to do  both individually and collectively.

In our lifetime and beyond, most of these things observed will still be with us.

There is nothing humanly possible to remove all of them.  

As one problem is resolved, another one pops up. Life is meant to be like this.   

So judge rather the efforts expended than the problems solved. 

There is no going around that.

Much like we are admonished,  lighting that solitary candle rather than loudly cursing the darkness may be more cleansing.


How Things Have Changed.

Not too long ago drilled into our minds was this pious thought.

That the  Holy Week of Lent was a season for fasting, abstinence, and sacrifice. 

An opportune time for  reverential solitude amidst the din of daily living.  

The time to bear all possible tribulations, doubts, and vicissitudes we could all possibly  endure.

Cramped in those few days of the Lenten season, in imitation of the examples set by Christ.

But now when Semana Santa rolls along, our harried mind wanders elsewhere.\

It starts dreaming of the possible hideaways and getaways that we can sequester ourselves and our families.

All  to escape the hustle and bustle of city life, the torrid summer heat and deafening chaos of urban living.  

In other words, with sacrifices bearing down on all, we seek to enjoy the few days in ease and comfort.

Yet He did counsel and admonish, take up my cross and follow me!  For this leads to eternal life.

Thus, we have to empty our vessels with the temporal pursuits and cares of this world, so we can let Christ in.

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