And one of the obvious questions we want answered is who does she look like or who does she remind us of, from the ones who are already known to most us?
When her selection was publicly made known, reflexively many said that she looks like Ms. Tina Fey, the noted comedian of Saturday Night Live. Now, who does not watch SNL? Anyway, here’s why they thought so, juxtaposed:

And Ms. Tina Fey with glasses and hair down.

Then one source said that she looks a lot like the Overstock.Com spokesmodel (Ms.Sabine Ehrenfeld ) who we have seen in those commercials on TV, all dressed in white. The resemblance is uncanny:

For me personally, when I first caught sight of her pictures way back in February, she reminded me of a then quite unknown movie star of the 60’s named Christina Ferrare. She was at one point married to disgraced carmaker John DeLorean. She was a fashion model first before trying the movies. Then moved to TV. We understand she now designs jewelry. They both look like they are natural brunettes? Judge for yourself:

Miss Ferrare in one of her 60's movies
Forget about Tina Fey as a Palin impersonator. Here's a much better one - one who actually starred in a TV series filmed most likely in Alaska - Northern Exposure:


But the hands-down winner is Cindy Michaels, a WVII ABC-7 and WFVX Fox 22 television anchor, in Bangor, Maine.
The next question to ask given the very uncanny similarities is which one is the original?