Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Just A Potpourri Of Thoughts and Opinions

 Just A Potpourri Of Thoughts and Opinions

Those in the business of parsing every Duterte rhetoric and its delivery are having a field day.

He has provided them with the perfect storm, everyone being literally inundated with a phalanx of seemingly incoherent statements and out of this world ideas on how to govern amidst an overly-sensitized world. And the presses are grinding with dizzying speed, laying out ink on the whys and wherefores of all those “unacceptable” statements.

It would appear that he is singularly attempting to “upset” the world order, both locally and globally, with his unexpected pronouncements.  I daresay the world order that has been thrust at us and grudgingly accepted or tolerated as normal in our own lives.

  And just as solicitous are the multitudes of defenders, a number of them could be adjudged overly aggressive and blindingly partial, but dominated IMO by those who are earnestly trying to understand this man who has over time shown in the past all the way back to his stints in Davao City, his genuine paternal concern for the people and his single-minded tack to bring good governance to his constituency.  Which to this day has now become the entire country.

And last time I checked we are still holding up and in one piece.  Maneuvering rudder every which way to right the ship and keep all of us afloat.  Except for the hurts and bruises, sadly inflicted by a number of our own fellow shipmates.

 Helmsmen and mates, to the masts and ballasts with eyes peeled and muscles taut for the continued rough ride ahead!

We shall overcome!


This local movie has garnered so much attention and following lately.  The reviews are largely and inspiringly positive, though a number are casting doubts on the complete authenticity of events depicted in the movie.  Like it was a history book, or something.

But I take a much different tack on this subject movie.  Because, yes, it is just a movie, though about historical events.

Movies are meant to entertain and be interesting to the audience.  Thus, it will of necessity have to avail of romanticism and other cinematic tools to make them so.  One emphasis for example could be how emotions as expressed are magnified in each role to bring out loud and lasting impressions on and consequently lasting connections with the viewers.

Thus, all things considered, if we want to learn more and give due respect and honor to our heroes, I suggest we be encouraged to use more traditional methods of doing so.  Like reading serious, historically accurate, and unvarnished accounts of them.

   And let movies about them take side roles that simply play as catchy introduction, especially for the younger generations reeling in wanton dearth of relevant models to emulate and follow.   Apart from the youthful and nubile movie celebrities who crowd our interminable sessions with the TV and Internet.


RIP - Steve Jobs.  I was quite fortunate to have resided in the very same vortex that created the tech boom of the late 80's up to late 20th century.  And was thus only a short ride away from the valley where many of the big companies like Apple and Intel got their starts.  Today Steve Jobs name is synonymous with the name of Apple, but we know that there were others just as significant in making Apple what it is today.  Names like partner Steve Wozniak who is credited for making the early Apple computers realities, or even less known Ronald Gerald Wayne, or a Mike Markkula who provided needed financing early on.

But today it is Steve Jobs day and Apple is Steve Jobs.


At this time we recall the death anniversary of Apple’s Steve Jobs.

Many post quotes he made while living.  This one attached is a popular one.

The premise is undeniable.  Life is indeed short.

But the succeeding resolutions differ in form and meaning.

Jobs said not to waste it living somebody else’s life.  But more popularly, people will reflexively say:  to enjoy and make the most of it.

Thus, many cramp as much pleasurable activities in their lives while still able – taking travels, vacations, visits to relatives and friends, attending gatherings, etc.

Clearly  as revealed by their actions what the saying specifically means for them.

You think Jobs shared this interpretation?  As reflected in his own life, which was cut short so abruptly?

Did he mean that because life is short, he would spend his few remaining years or months, dropping everything he was doing for Apple, and attending to his personal life and family?

Rather than continuing his life’s activities that could influence or benefit more people?


Philippine Politics 

Certain developments challenge my admittedly limited understanding of local party politics.

This Philippine president coming into the presidential fray was thought of and considered the most outlier of all the perfumed and scripted candidates who cavorted around the political stage.  Assumed generally as not adept in politics, he never toed political party lines, and though allied never really needed anything from the party, not even publicly pretending to need anything.  Was never part of any cabal nuanced to both the clandestine nature and the shallow niceties of politics, instead speaking and acting his mind without any filters of even feigned courtesies. And a quite dirty and pedestrian mind and mouth he has, alarming and shaming both the high and mighty of society, and the lowly masa.  The powerful RC clergy especially is in a tizzy, practically condemning his every utterance.

 But more people obviously wanted him since he got elected, warts and all.

How come this?

So now his political detractors have considered him an accomplished masterful tactician and manipulator of other branches of government.  He now has pocketed as his rubberstamp the twin houses of Congress.  Many sow fear broadcasting in obtuse ways that the uniformed sectors of government now kowtow to his whims and caprices.  Has he also captured and mesmerized the vaunted judiciary?

So how come one solitary non-politician, one almost without ideological partners, getting only a handful of votes as many claimed, and not really considered knowledgeable to the intricacies of big and bloated government, now being touted as wielding so much power and influence over such entrenched bureaucratic segments of government? 

Hands are flailing away in confusion and surrender.