Sunday, April 09, 2023

Quest for Childlike Innocence


Quest for Childlike Innocence



When the cares of the world threaten to overwhelm,

how nice it would be to be lost in a children's playground

nestled comfortably in the midst of any nowhere.


What could compare with the playful innocence of a child?

 let loose with the swings and see-saws of yore?

Untethered from the constricting cares of adulthood.


Swinging to and fro with the carefree ease of the wind.

Or climbing hither and thither, the worldly cares too distant.

Exchanging somber silence with innocent lively giggles.


Oh, to be a child again, lost in the embrace of youth.

Innocent and wild as the fairy nymphs in books.

Yet loved and treasured by all hither and yonder.