The yin and yang of things. Good or Bad. In or Out. This or That. Love or Hate. Words or Action. Hard to think of unitary things in this world.
Yet because of the binary nature of things, we are always making choices between at least two things. If we are prudent and wise, good choices are those when we earnestly weigh all with the critical eye of picking those that benefit us or the commonweal, or are the least harmful to us.
That is our lot. But do we always take the prudent and wise route in making our choices?
During election cycles we are again confronted with having to make choices. How do we fare?
In my virtual travels, these are the relevant observations.
In US politics, countless times and words are devoted detailing all the shortcomings and deficiencies of the incumbent, as the primary reason for not voting for him. Well and good, but we know that is only half of it. The other half is the other choice. How come not a single complementary word about that choice? Not a single reason why he would be a good choice? Always think binary, folks! The only way to go to have informed choices.
Following in the same vein, the detractors of the incumbent are always exploring and parsing his supposed statements to uncover for gotcha moments. And for a person who undoubtedly and unequivocally always “speaks his mind” there is a treasure trove to be mined. But again that is only the half of it. The other more significant aspect is his actions which are all out in the open and are provable. So if one must criticize, pick on that and not what he is supposed to have uttered, especially in private and in confidence.
Imagine if there are many of us who incessantly “speak our mind” and we are always taken seriously every time, many of us would be jailed or killed, or at the very least condemned or ostracized. We know our minds have minds of their own and will race whichever ways they are allowed. But we do typically control our runaway minds and act only on things that typically are socially and morally acceptable in society. And we are judged based on that. Ever heard of somebody being sentenced for thinking lustful thoughts about another? Or one who had thought of killing somebody because of what that person has done to him?