Tuesday, June 18, 2024

A Tribute To Jogging

 A Tribute To Jogging

The image of a man in jog does not necessarily imply ease.

One sees and many likely conclude, look how easily he does it.

But in reality it is likely never that facile, from one who does it.

One starts with constricted breaths and leaden feet.

And indeed after a few rounds, the body responds .

With wakened feet responding to quickened cadence.

Breaths kick in with more depth, inducing a bit of euphoria.

And then just as quickly the end of the exercise nears.

The now-heated body pours out profuse sweating to cool.

Feet feeling rubbery, disposing one to quicken pace.

As one heroic attempt to shorten the agony of the run.

One digs deeper for stray breaths, lumbering to the end.

The winding-down process then begins in earnest.

One's pulse starts to slow as the body again responds.

A few minutes later, one lets out a huge sigh of relief.

And one moves on to the chores of the day.

The physical regimen set aside for the moment.

To be initiated again the following day.