Thursday, June 24, 2021

For the Philippines: Maybe a Good Strategy To Win Elections


The well-oiled  elements in the multi-faceted forces that stood against Trump and his re-election were so cohesive and formidable, no other known forces on earth could have been victorious against them.  They were so spot on in their planning and execution, so that Trump even with his soaring popularity and support could not ever have supplanted them.  They covered all bases to guarantee the win of practically anybody they put up against Trump, even a weak and debilitated a candidate as Biden (and Harris), who did not even bother to campaign as candidates were wont to do.  It was no idle talk when people sneered that Biden did his campaigns from his basement.  They truly were and his audiences in his few appearances were as anemic as those of Trump were so robust and animated.  But obviously, Biden knew better.  He had his aces on his sleeve.

Thus, it could be regarded as a most effective model for conducting electoral campaigns. A surefire way to win elections then, apropos even for a developing country like the Philippines. At this opportune time, it is best then to take helpful cues from the 2020 US presidential elections.

Overly-confident Trump focused and poured out his resources and efforts on the boisterous campaigns he conducted leading up to election day.  (Which turned out to instead be, election days)  And boy, did he show them, hundreds of thousands gathered to hear him wherever he went. The at times rambling rhetoric he spewed was almost unnecessary for they loved him and what he had done to the country.  But of course, mainstream media unequivocally aligned with the other side, not only tried to ignore his tremendous efforts but did everything to malign, censor, and rebuke him at every turn. Still, many level-thinking individuals were judging based on enthusiastic responses of the electorate that Trump had the lock on victory in his re-election bid.  How else could it have been any different?

But the Democrats and their powerful allies, awash with resources, had many aces to deal with. Trump may have had the numbers, but the Democrats had the resources, media, and the elites.  So instead of the campaigns, they focused on the election itself, justifying why Biden and his coterie did not even bother to rigorously campaign. Instead they poured attention and resources on the forthcoming events of election day, or election days as it would eventually turn out to be.  And in very smart moves focused not on the entire country, but on certain critical areas located in states called batte-ground states where they could make the best impact and results in their favor.

The many focal thrusts of this cabal were then shown and executed in a number of clever moves, but at times moves bordering on or even beyond legality. 

First and foremost was the pandemic which had been weaponized to work against the incumbent.  In combined efforts with media and their acolytes, the incumbent was made to look like a complete idiot in the midst of the scourge.  And because of this, they all went into action to utilize the pandemic as a wedge against his administration. 

The Democrats dramatically changed in the critical states how the election and its count were to be had to its unfair advantage, all under the guise and cover of the pandemic. Subtle changes in established election procedures and protocols already in place were quietly passed in the background in areas held under Democratic hands.  And this new order at times meant short-circuiting the established systems in place. Matters within the purview of legislatures were summarily changed by certain executives of such places.  Thus instead of just the traditional absentee-ballots that voters requested for fairly good reasons, these jurisdictions instead opted to send without any request all ballots to all those listed in the voter registers.  No verification as to whether they were still alive or dead, or whether the names were still valid.  Or worse, whether new names were surreptitiously added to the mailing lists.  Now we wonder why millions more votes were had in the tallies, numbers that surprisingly broke records of the past.  And still worse, we learned most basic verification procedures for such voting were discarded in the counts.  Now we read that even at this late, there are still being conducted post audits in several states regarding the last election.

The slick operators made sure that election day counts would stretch to days to accommodate the huge numbers of "returns" that poured from every which way.  A move so dramatic and unprecedented since official counts could only be valid and legal within the appointed election day.  Not days! 

In a huge and novel move, Facebook undertook the get out and vote campaigns within these same areas, which function traditionally is within the purview and handled by the officials of those electoral jurisdictions. Facebook funneled funds (to the tune of half a billion dollars)to a little-known NGO to undertake that delicate task, a task that required impartiality and fairness. But reports showed a very different story.  Like the abundance of  available drop-boxes in critical areas expected to vote Democrat while neglecting the other areas. In another ironic twist, we learned that what were actually spent by the NGO were no more than were already budgeted to be spent by the jurisdictions involved.  So why the need to turn over functions to a funded NGO when the government itself was capable of doing it?

And of course, the case of the electronic voting machines of a certain source that somehow found their ways in those critical areas.  You think maybe they also played certain critical roles in the assurance of a certain result?  The Filipinos are familiar with this. To this day they are still eagerly waiting for final resolution on their issues.  Where is Commissioner Andy?

What an effective framework to use in an election. Clever and smart. One that certainly could have pertinence and effectivity in a place like the Philippines?  You think?  Remember he who has the gold, rules.

Many of these narratives may be sounding like spooky events from a horror-mystery novel, except they are couched in facts and data, observable and readily available.  And sooner or later, history which moves ever so slowly will bring all this to the sunlight.  And the alternate reality created will be dispelled.  

But not sooner.  The seer says.  

Pacquiao comes to mind, though a long stretch for him given his personal circumstances.  But he definitely has personal and unencumbered resources, plus electability (specifically, name recognition).  A deadly combination in Philippine politics.

But maybe employ a brain behind the scene?  Or better, a brain to run with his brawn?  To complete the package?

If perfected, he could win the plum price, better than all the victories he has savored so far in his pugilistic career.



Sunday, June 06, 2021

Immigrants and Immigration in the US of A

The more one tries to learn about a situation, the less inclined one is to make public commentary on the situation.  Largely because then one realizes that many of those who do make commentary appear to inform themselves from very limited perspectives hatched either from misinformation or at best from scanty information about the topic.

Such lazy prognostications only serve to muddle and make more confusing situations that require earnest and studious attention.

One such topic is Immigrants and Immigration in the US of A.

All things considered it does appear proper for one to make known one's views if only to elevate the overall discussion to a more adult level.

On this issue many rely unfortunately on motherhood statements that do not anymore have bases in fact.  But they  still make for good theatre, and those sporting and advocating them are proud of themselves for their emotional show of compassion and generosity.  But overall it definitely does not move the needle nearer to understanding the situation and the inherent problems. And worse, of trying to mitigate the worsening situation.

How many take into account the number of legal immigrants the US takes in every year?  Do you know the number?  The US takes in about 1 million legal immigrants every year dating back many years.  Its population has burgeoned to 325 million, growing in leaps and bounds in the process. 

How many illegals are in the US? The estimate hasn't moved or been updated for a good number of years.  As if the number does not increase with daily illegal border crossings. Accelerated by de-facto open borders policy coupled with official invitations to come.  Anyway, as few as 12 million to as many as 20-30 million.  California the most populous state has close to 40 million residents.  The illegals are mostly low-skilled and least educated, which because of this there is no doubt the systems have been overwrought and corrupted in more ways than one can imagine.  Ergo, actual and real population should be more.

Social programs of the past designed to address this situation have only exacerbated monetary and fiscal problems of the country.  What is now the total debt of the US? What about deficits and shortfalls?  How many states are close to being insolvent?  Bailouts anyone?  Not to worry, humongous spending bills are just around the corner.  MMT to the rescue.

The richest and most powerful establishment elites in the US have aligned and conspired with government of all political flavors to continue the flood of cheap labor via illegal migration, to decimate the American middle-class which had been the stable and reliable anchor of the US economy and which assured it of high standards of living.  Now most data show that the middle class continues to shrink as early as the 80's, while the richest few accumulate more wealth.  Talk about lopsidedness. The last administration addressed this and was able to improve employment figures in areas not seen in ages. 

But the pandemic and all is accelerating this untenable situation.  Government's reckless moves in response add instead to the burdens.  Imagine right now it suffers from high unemployment, yet available labor is less than adequate to supply a heating economy.  Why? Because government makes unemployment benefits better than employment.

When is the tipping point?