Wednesday, January 01, 2025

Unconditional Love


We are wont to declare our unconditional love.

Be they for beloved acquaintances or relations.

And most accept as true readily with nary a doubt.

But we forget that only God deserves such.

Whether here or above all others take second place.

For our zealous God demands such fullness of love.

The amount of love man can bestow on creation

Has been strictly delineated by His Divine laws.

Strictures setting boundaries for our human loves.

Let us then remember this strict boundary.

For to forget would redound to our peril.

God gave all, and demands all in return.

2 B 83

 2 B 83

We count people, trees, even distance.

We count most anything that comes in numbers

We love counting our money, our loves, our whims.

Maybe  not be too eagerly, we also count our years.

In slow cadence of years, we count our time on earth.

For many, we count with anticipation and hope. 

But others do count with some trepidation.

But due to inevitability we cannot do otherwise.

Natal days then are marked with rapt attention.

Gleefully for others, but forlornly for some.

But what can one do to liven the result?

Simply that we align our lives to our purposes.

Only then counting amounts to any significance.

For then it means we are edging closer to eternity.

For the rungs climbed leadeth closer to home.

The home where counting ceaseth forever.