Friday, September 01, 2023

You and Your Descendants


You and Your Descendants


Strong contravening forces of both nature and nurture will conspire

to almost guarantee next generations will be different from prior.


Mothers and fathers markedly different and estranged from progenitors;

while children and grandchildren in many ways alien to their ancestors.


Though still obvious reality when certain individuals surprise many

when they appear looking and acting like their previous progeny.


The similarities and differences treading beyond just physical beatitude,

but all the way down to values and priorities, and yes, even pulchritude.


We affirm that God’s stupendous and inscrutable handiwork assures

the utter uniqueness of each human person in His cache of treasures.


We hope the moral absolutes learned through our long history

filter down to the last generation of the anointed human family.


After all, we also believe these are encoded in our very nature.

To be searched for and discovered in true fashion and nurture.