One needs to read the entire article to derive a sense of how significant the lady’s courage, strengths, and accomplishments are in the new adopted country that her parents brought her into.
Captain Ed at Captains Quarters was among the first to weigh in with this added tribute.
And over at always scholarly, dependable, and respectable PowerLine comes this little reaction, among other things humbly acknowledging Michelle's real journalistic background.
From the suddenly popular blog cum video site Hot Air, where Michelle regularly displays her video media persona, comes this little friendly defense and support for her, laced by and augmented with a lot of readers' varied commentaries, giving one a good well-rounded glimpse of the person.
Of course liberal sites, like Wonkette, also waste no time trying to muddy the waters, even taking snipes at the WaPo writer, H. Kurtz, most likely because he wasn't sufficiently negatively predisposed toward the subject and what she does.
And fellow liberal blogger, Atrios, had this to say as his version of his racist comment mentioned in the article.
I did not have time to visit and read all the reactions to the WaPo article, but do visit and see who was moved either to comment to, or write for or against, this article from Memeorandum.
To the Maglalang family, congratulations on a job well done.