Thursday, May 05, 2022


Extensively reading through the babel of social media posts, news articles, commentaries, etc. one could collect a litany of the reasons why many continue to lend support to the candidacy of a family member of the disgraced Marcos family .

In fairness, it would serve us better to sift through them and to glimpse at the whys and wherefores of such support.

As premise, I doubt any sane person sufficiently aware of the lamented regime would deny the collective corruption, murder, malfeasance, etc.,  found endemic under that despotic rule.  And by no means was it, just one rotten apple in a basket, but facts  point to the entire family being complicit in most if not all of them.

One recurring theme for this support has been that voters ought not to attribute the sins of the father to the son or the rest of the family.  But clearly incontrovertible evidence would point to the fact that the entire family, each and all already full-grown adults then,  was complicit.  Clearly this issue is beyond debate or that it needs to be re-litigated at this point.

Many throw their support because of their unconscionable disgust and loathing for the other leading candidate and her team.  And are therefore hell-bent on making sure they are denied the victory.   And the only most likely sparring partner would be the Marcos team.  But talk about cutting your nose to spite your face. There are other choices.  Thus, this development is  more like jumping from the frying pan to the fire.

Many like inveterate gamblers find themselves easily pushed toward the side of early uncrowned winners.  After all it is only human to associate with the winners and hop into the bandwagon.  But rather a reckless way to treat one's very critical future.

Many identify themselves with the political elites of the country because that is where life-giving resources are always coming from.  Nothing much in the self-aggrandizing scheme of things could be expected in the other groups.

Many still do practice identity politics, making their ethnic background, narrow regionalist bents, even their geographical loci, etc.  huge factors to determine where their political loyalties lie.

Gone are the time-honored practices of comparing candidates' track records, their accomplishments rather than heavy doses of verbal calisthenics.  Now it could be as simple as name recognition, wealth, machinery, etc. as the primary criteria for choices to be made.

Gone are even the most basic standards of ethics and morality as measures to align candidates with.  So it amounts not even to a hill of beans if the Marcos family, to the man or woman, whether with the current or younger generations, does not even acknowledge the sins of the past, expresses remorse for the damages done, or even pleads with promises of restitution against whatever purloined wealth is still in its possession and still not spent to support a most lavish lifestyle.  All this, juxtaposed against a cruel backdrop of a people in great suffering and dire want.

 In a reconciliatory mode and gesture, many compatriots declare that when all is said and done, after the election, all of us will be back to our normal lives, and should thus move on to rise above the rancor and enmity engendered during the campaigns.  Re-building damaged relationships with friends, relatives, etc.

It does sound Christian and altruistic to maintain such decorum.

One wonders though if all of us have made enough plans on what to do if and when the palpable fears and apprehension now felt become reality.  And that the new administration will indeed be  a continuation or a redux of that dearly lamented tyrannical rule that lasted decades and wrought incalculable losses both present and future.

Or are we simply ever ready to bow our collective heads and accept our lot, until such time as the despots' avarice and capricious whims have petered out, or that a miracle of deliverance re-appears to a benighted country?

Wednesday, May 04, 2022

To Rage and Rant Sometimes

 Sliding in a comment edgewise

Do we love our own voices very much, that when we post on Facebook we expect an echo chamber to follow, one that is loud and unambiguous  as our sign of self-affirmation?

Let it be said  though that that may sound good for many people, many may also find that unfair to expect.

This corner lets it be known then that the posts found here are not for that purpose.  That it is not expected for those who happen to visit to affirm or agree on the statements made.

One can disagree.

A self-indictment

The Filipino gene pool appears to have become so contaminated and diluted so that now those so-called malefactors that we constantly see and read about have become the models and exemplars of our society and politics.

And we see and listen to them ensconced high in society and politics, spout motherhood statements about good and profound things for society and the polity, and many of us are easily taken in by the hypocrisy and absurdity which every right-thinking individual ought to readily recognize as falsity.

But these same people go about their maleficent ways, none the worse and instead enjoy dubious renown and respect, most everybody else quite oblivious of where reality stands.  Or maybe they do, but the lard is too deep a siren call to ignore. 

Who to blame?

We all are, not just them.  As a matter of observation, these same people probably sleep better than the ordinary harangued citizen trying to make both ends meet.   Maybe constantly ready to break into a smile, with nary a tinge of conscience remorse.

We are now beyond language to resolve this highly metastasized cancer. Drastic collective action appears the only remedy

Always For The Greater Good

We humans do make conscious choices about the lives of other humans, though we accept the unassailable truth that each human life is precious, priceless, and that only God can take it away.  

And it is thus the ingrained responsibility of each human to exhaust all means to preserve any one human life, at all times without exception. 

 We know we are even averse to “rationing out” limited medical care resources primarily because we value human life as sacrosanct and no one life can be sacrificed in the altar of expediency.  But in reality, we do ration out limited resources.

Even in the rationalization of capital punishment, we gingerly tiptoe around it and justify it in our limited logical ways.   While we legally sanction capital punishment, it is not because we are justified in taking human life, but only because doing so is for the greater good.  Preserving life by taking away another!

Thus there is sufficient historical data to rely on when making choices about whether we aim to sacrifice some people so the greater good can be achieved.  Continue with strict lock-down regimes and risk destruction or collapse of the entire economy?  Or take calculated chances and focus on trying to preserve economic integrity and health?

The greater good always takes precedence.

Ode To Life

 Free verses flowing from a mind in idle gear, on a Sunday morn:

Ode To Life: Playing Mindlessly With The Words Plaguing Our Life

Do we have enough living in our life?

That is a most basic life-long question.

If it is not lived on our idea of what life ought to be, 

Can we continue to say that we are still living life?

In other words, if we live against our concept of life,

Are we still okay to refer to that living as living a life?

If death is forever in our mind as we struggle to live,

Are we said to be living life, rather than living death?

In dotage, we are apt to say we are tired with living,

Could we say that we are still living, with a purpose?

Is life an empty vessel where we store daily our living of it, 

Or could it be simply a veritable storehouse of living stuff?

Why are we admonished that to live a most useful life, 

We ought to turn our backs and begin to die from life?

Isn’t it very funny that we are blessed with our precious life, 

But we are always reminded that our fate is not in this life?

A constant reminder is that Christ is the Way of Life in this world,

Yet His tenets are fraught with thoughts of death from this world.

Truly, there are many lessons to learn from the living of life, 

All mostly requiring our wrenching ourselves away from life.

Oh, the woes and perils of living a life!