Wednesday, May 04, 2022

To Rage and Rant Sometimes

 Sliding in a comment edgewise

Do we love our own voices very much, that when we post on Facebook we expect an echo chamber to follow, one that is loud and unambiguous  as our sign of self-affirmation?

Let it be said  though that that may sound good for many people, many may also find that unfair to expect.

This corner lets it be known then that the posts found here are not for that purpose.  That it is not expected for those who happen to visit to affirm or agree on the statements made.

One can disagree.

A self-indictment

The Filipino gene pool appears to have become so contaminated and diluted so that now those so-called malefactors that we constantly see and read about have become the models and exemplars of our society and politics.

And we see and listen to them ensconced high in society and politics, spout motherhood statements about good and profound things for society and the polity, and many of us are easily taken in by the hypocrisy and absurdity which every right-thinking individual ought to readily recognize as falsity.

But these same people go about their maleficent ways, none the worse and instead enjoy dubious renown and respect, most everybody else quite oblivious of where reality stands.  Or maybe they do, but the lard is too deep a siren call to ignore. 

Who to blame?

We all are, not just them.  As a matter of observation, these same people probably sleep better than the ordinary harangued citizen trying to make both ends meet.   Maybe constantly ready to break into a smile, with nary a tinge of conscience remorse.

We are now beyond language to resolve this highly metastasized cancer. Drastic collective action appears the only remedy

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