Monday, July 29, 2024

The Paris Olympic Games


Agonizingly being reminded of the raucous ceremonies and the various games of the current  Olympic games In Paris.   One may sense that maybe it is about time to revisit and restudy the traditionally noble purposes of the Games.  Because even the typically celebratory opening ceremonies have come under heavy fire from many sources.

The Games were supposed to promote inspiration and emulation  but may now be instead rearing the ugly heads of division and derision.  And sadly this attitude prevails even among the medal winners, and not just among the many losers who are all going home empty-handed. 
Now it appears that getting medals other than gold is actually losing, most especially if the competitors are "expected" to grab the highest trophy.

What happened to giving air and venue to man's passionate drives for excellence and the innate nobility of fair competition that formed part of the ethos of the Games?  That one's mere membership and participation are honors enough to value throughout one's life, earning the time-honored title of Olympian?

Now, one has to always land at the top of the heap to maintain fame and status.  Once you get older and thus made less perfect, out goes all the laurels. And worse, the next phase for the participants leads them to the money trails, for which  many are off and running in pursuit.  It even starts with the melt value of the medals themselves.

We appear to have lost our collective marbles as a species.
So instead of the traditional mandate to: "Let the games begin", let us instead utter: 

Let us try something else.  This is getting boring. And crass.

And on another note.  This time the awarding of medals for the winners.

 It is customary to witness the gold medal recipient to immediately bite into it, ostensibly to seek affirmation that the medal is indeed made of the precious metal.

No such luck, and but we cannot say that it has been so  over all those years.  Though we can surmise that the medals are most probably made of the same stuff as they were years ago.  Just realized there may be written standards set even on the metal composition and weight of Olympic medals.

Anyway as it stands, this is what we witnessed  from the last Olympics, the Tokyo 2020 Olympics medals that were handed out to exultant winners. This data we gathered because the Japanese authorities made particular attention to the creation of their medals.

From some rough estimates made by me here are the lowdowns.
The three medals, gold, silver, and bronze weigh from 450grams to maybe 556grams, or about half a kilo on average, with gold weighing the most.  

The gold medal is essentially made of silver with maybe 6 grams of gold, good enough to be used for plating.  The silver medal true to its name is made up of pure silver.  And bronze of brass and zinc, so not much intrinsic value.  Based on this and the prevailing prices of precious metals, a gold medal might now command a price of a thousand dollars, selling the gold and silver content in it, and silver maybe about a little above 500 dollars.  Never mind the bronze medal.

Getting any idea where this is going?

The revered and time-seasoned Olympic Games idolized by the world have always been about excellence in sport and symbolism.  Rank the best performers with their shown performances in competition and award them medals for their sterling  accomplishments, the ranking and composition of the medals clearly symbolism for us to revere and behold.  Nothing denoting the awarding of financial awards to winners.

How things have changed though the Games have steadfastly remained the same.  Immediately upon winning financial windfalls are factored in like these too could compete in another contest, this time in value and size. 

Winning athletes are expected to start following the money trails, in hot pursuit of their "just rewards".  The world would appear disappointed if the winners lose out in this other contest.

And we fear that the world is more concerned and interested in this other contest.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Nature and Desires

 Nature and Desires

Many of us do get it. 

That the holy books do say this.  

Your earthy life is so very short.  

Do not waste a minute of it.

Question is can we plumb what it means.

They do add to statements like the above. 

They do continue to say and admonish.

Unreasoning nature wants more. 

A lot more than what is necessary.


To become the master of our destiny, 

we rid ourselves of all inordinate desires.  

Learn to live with less and more for eternity.

Remembering desires are not just things

 but include all the pleasant allures life offers.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024



 The insidious malady called depression came to mind, 

when  two very noted personalities we read were said to be suffering from it.  

One  a very young world-renowned lady athlete,  

while the other a former president of the Philippines in his 60's.  

The latter had since passed on.

Over the years we had heard so much about this condition 

But kept a safe distance of the topic paying only nodding attention. 

But now we are told that the world has seen its prevalence. 

And with large numbers in agony, we give it its due attention

 It is a very real, consumptive, and debilitating ailment.


Worse, it could also be career-ending and life-threatening.  

Necessitating professionals specialized in such conditions.

We had  nonchalantly associated depression with loneliness, or melancholy. 

Not giving it the gravity that it deserved.

 Now medical professionals labor and toil to do something.  

Many of us also went through such forlorn periods of feeling very low, 

at times we did not even want to get out of our beds to face the world.

I remember my own episodes when I was still single and unemployed.  

But somehow we out-grew it though not that the condition has deserted us for life, 

but somehow we have been able to lessen not only its gravity but its frequency.  

Somehow also we learned to tackle with it, each in our own ways.  

Maybe the resolution being  when we turned to a higher power 

and lodged the providence of our health and safety in that kind of faith.

Still as mere mortals with very limited knowledge and understanding 

of such an insidious and almost invisible enemy, 

We surrender our ignorance and abide our trust on others.

To those educated as  better equipped.

We should resolve to continue our own searches for truths about it. 

And thus they ought not be stifled, neglected, or even dismissed by others.  

We can only be better persons if we are curious about its ramifications.

In the midst of all this, may it also be incumbent that as a species, 

we duly acknowledge that we  have changed a lot, 

occasioned by a civilization that has gotten more and more complicated.

Worsened by our having to live in very close quarters with so diverse peoples

 with very diverse ideas.

It could be likened to what is happening in the US since the last several years. 

And happening to younger and more educated people. 

They are angrier, more and more intolerant, and very hateful. 

And appearing quite ill-equipped to handle challenges in daily life. 

Thus, we see this erupting in violence and other forms of miscreant behavior.

Monday, July 15, 2024

A Little Backgrounder: Historic Vista Hermosa


A Little Backgrounder:  Historic Vista Hermosa

On this historic site atop the first Carmen Hill crest.

It was in the mid-60's.  And the place was as pristine and untouched as an unutilized place could get.  It was owned by a first cousin, Engr. Edgardo N. Marfori.  Truant kids around the area would wander thereabouts picking up wild fruits like guavas during idle and hot summer days.  As forgettable a place as any during those idyllic days of the city.  But one redeeming factor was the spectacular view of the city on its crest.  The old poblacion shone in great light and glory from that vantage point.  None like it in the city.

But the Christmas holidays were approaching, days when the lazy city would get festive and lively.  Organizations woke up from slumber and started preparations for the coming holidays.

I was president of the Commerce fraternity and Ms. Rose Chan was president of the sorority of XU.  Bro. Paulino Santos was adviser.  We wanted some thing novel and startling for our festivities, especially for the dance and program as culmination for the celebrations.  Good idea.  But where?  So it could be really novel and a first.

That lonely undeveloped hilltop came to our collective minds.  Once decided we realized the monumental task involved.  At least monumental during that time.  There was no road going to the top, though we knew a jeep could negotiate it with 4-wheel drive if necessary.  No electricity.  No structure of any kind.  It was literally in the jungle!

Getting my cousin to say yes for the use of the place was no problem.  Bro. Santos was a close friend of wife Nang Lili.  But the other issues were challenging to say the least.

But somehow all sticky challenges were met and overtaken. Bro Santos with the help of school resources was able to bring a generator for our lights, and many wooden pallets as dance floor and stage.  Prior trips to the top with jeeps and trucks established the paths for vehicles on their ascent.  

And our members had a most memorable time during that happy festive night. It was a First, indeed.

Inspired no doubt by our very positive feedbacks, It was not long afterward that my cousin broached his idea of creating a hotel on this historic hilltop.  The first of its kind!  It became Vista Hermosa Hotel.  

And no doubt, the view was beautiful!  But It had since then been converted into the Pryce Plaza Hotel which has to his day been shuttered.