Thursday, June 27, 2024

What Civilization Brings to Man

 What Civilization Brings to Man

Many fault civilization and the civilized living it brings as a bane to the lot of humanity.  In this vein many gush with justified awe at the crude and coarse living of many in the poverty-stricken places in the world.

It is not uncommon for fresh eyes witnessing new experiences for the first time to regard them with prideful wonderment and appreciation. 

And be generous in their plaudits.

However in the fullness of time and after seeing, or witnessing, or even living the life that exudes from these same dreary experiences, their stark and maybe drab realities will undoubtedly peep out to bring the viewer back to earth.

And a more realistic and more reasonable assessment of life in the midst of such coarse and crude environment will no doubt be discovered. 

Allowing one to repaint the whole canvas with righteous colors.

With colors true enough for one to accept that living in more modern, more orderly, and hygienic surroundings would redound better to the population.

That is what civilization brings to the table for humanity. 

In spite of the fact that yes, order and efficiency may appear too predictable and thus boring, and yes, be also less radiant in local colors. 

But we know that modernization is for the good of all humanity

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