Saturday, November 07, 2020

An Elegy to the US of A?


Regardless how the US Presidential election will eventually be resolved, this much many will have to agree.

From henceforward, the country now knows and has to contend with an official and unofficial Democratic Party that has over the 4 years mushroomed beyond the political sphere and even extending past the country’s boundaries.  Its reach, financial power, and influence have now become so extensive and commanding that one could say that there is no force, for good or evil, on earth like it.  Practically all the consequential forces in the country are now aligned with it, from all sectors of media, academia, Wall Street, big tech, the oversized government bureaucracy and its administrative state, down to stealthy but destructive fringe groups with criminal intent on their agenda.   Now it is hinted that even the top brass in the military may also be aligned with them. The succeeding months may disclose more.

Overall, will this unholy coalition hold?  Or do we wait for the next earth-shaking fissure?

This has of course been exacerbated by a Republican party that is not only weak, but dis-united, and only tepidly committed to its supposedly noble purposes.

I see only certain Christian church groups who have shown cohesiveness amidst intense challenges and are ardently committed to supporting those that promote their pious altruistic purposes.  Exclude the Catholic Church since it appears in its hierarchy to be ambivalent in pursuing its unchanging teachings and doctrines, and would rather compromise and befriend anybody and everybody else all in the name of world peace. Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!  – from very extreme late-term abortion rights regulations, to fetus parts harvesting and sale, to more curtailment of religious liberties (the Poor Sisters will definitely be made poorer, again), to continued persecution of Christians and other religious minorities in a country the Church cozies up to, while essentially pushing aside its own moral depravity issues.  

This group’s ardor and fervor notwithstanding, this support is still essentially devoid of ample temporal powers to throw around issues and causes.

Lest we forget, excepted from the initial listing above are the countless men and women who dared personal peril and ridicule to give support to Trump in his many enthused meetings and rallies.  The “forgotten” people in fly-over states and from quaint old places tucked in many underserved nooks and crannies of the huge country, who had earnestly thought that they had finally their own man in the WH.  Did they attain the critical mass to bring their man to the finish line?  We will soon have at least an inkling if indeed dark forces tried to thwart and stifle their voices collected in the drab ballot boxes of their places.

In a very real way, Trump was responsible for all this coming together because he threatened the status quo for all those dominant potentates.

There is no doubt also that whatever power and influence the Republican party has retained and/or acquired in this election, the credit goes to Trump.  So in a very real way his sojourn to the WH if it ends abruptly had been one big success.  But only to those who see the world, the same way he does.

All this will be added to a lot more “fundamental changes” as the new overlords reap more power and influence, and consolidate all gains for the ushering in of a new vision. Their calibrated version of a new America.

An America quite different and estranged from the old one envisioned and promulgated by its now- irrelevant founding fathers.  An America that many wide-eyed immigrants treasured in their minds when they started their longed-for sojourn in the New World.  Maybe in a superficial manner, they are reminded of hardy pioneer families toiling in the verdant forests and coddling fastnesses of a new world, of rowdy cowboys and loud Indians cavorting and playing with real lives and bullets in the almost limitless plains.  Or in a serious mien, they reflected on hopeful dreams of unfettered lives enjoying religious liberties and freedom, of freely exercising traits of exceptionalism, ingenuity, and inventiveness.  Of overall progress and development, as to become the pride and envy of the entire world.  In fine, of producing the noblest and greatest social experiment the world has known!

The new cabal will try with all its new-found might to bring in the new morning of a new dawning.  A country drifting toward a very secular and godless state, governed and controlled by more centralized entities with tremendous powers.  Paying homage to politics devoid of moral conscience and boundaries, made more easily possible by the slow obsolescence of dissent.  Big Media truly becoming the embodiment of Big Brother, slyly and relentlessly beating on people to toe the line, in both mind and action.

These likely to ensue changes limited only by the naked greed and avarice of the new ruling classes, fueled by new wealth concentrated on fewer and fewer individuals.


A funny last twist before ending, on the way to the forum.  In elections past, there was never any instance I can recall when the other political however fringe parties were not given some however condescending or inconsequential, attention by media.  What happened to the Libertarian Party, the Green Party, Socialist, Reform, etc.?  

This time around, complete radio silence from our quite occupied media.  What happened to woke inclusivity?

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