Man As Demigod?
The now hazy days of forgotten youth intrude uninvited
as we grudgingly recall the many astounding mysteries
implanted in malleable and innocent minds,
by the close partnership of home and school.
Of the existence of one incomprehensible Supreme Being,
adorned with tremendous powers and Lord of all creation.
The self-same Being being also all-knowing,
and is everywhere his domain extends.
Mystifying paradoxes that clearly and unduly supplant
the arguably limitless freedoms humanity was born with
or destined to, designed as likened image
and equipped with incomparable free will.
As fate dictates, our maturity would soften such stance.
Promoting instead by labeling us instead as partakers.
Of His powers we still not easily see,
but have deigned to believe in faith.
But these days, as we recall the times past revisited
with clearer eyes what innocent lives were fed with,
beliefs nurtured by traditions.
And the demands of society.
Advances in information and technology permeate lives,
integrally enmeshed to the minutiae of our very living.
Ubiquitous as to be unnoticed
and acutely taken for granted.
Detaching ourselves as estranged from that kind of living,
we experience a discernment of these stupefying realities.
If we are earnest enough
and equally honest.
The knowledge that more than just images of the Being,
we too are invested with some of his awesome powers.
That of omniscience, omnipotence,
and even of omnipresence.
Credit dazzling advances in Web/ Internet and technology
and the manifold manifestations of Artificial Intelligence
To witness man's power and influence in the world.
Not since witnessed nor imagined by him.
A host of our physical limitations greatly deconstructed.
Expanding universe-like, though largely in virtual context.
Knowledge of things exponentially stretched,
almost beyond temporal boundaries or limits.
Powers to influence as active participants or as causes.
Readily available to an entire world of sentient beings.
Limited only by the dreams
and aspirations of humanity.
Sitting in house, or any place one may opt to locate himself,
one invested with capabilities far beyond puny understanding.
Limited only by what one could think,
or dream in the wildest ways.
Parkour. MMA. VanLife. Boxing, Tennis, Politics. Religion.
Economics, Global Events. Ukraine. Russia. Globalism. Oil.
Climate Change. Sports,Entertainment. Sciences. Philosophy.
Astrophysics. Deep Fake. Men of Science, Arts, Entertainment. Etc.
Truly then current man could be enshrined to the level of god, or at least, a demi-god. Possessed of seeming mystical powers.